BBC business news Edit post India bans PUBG, Baidu and more than 100 apps linked to China Admin 03 سبتمبر 2020 (0) India bans PUBG, Baidu and more than 100 apps linked to China The list of forbidden products includes the popular video game PUBG and search giant Baidu's app. facebook twitter pinterest whatsapp reddit linkedin Next article نيمار ودي ماريا بين ثلاثي باريس سان جيرمان المصاب بفيروس كورونا Previous article رئيس أتالانتا يؤكد الاتفاق مع النصر على انتقال مارتينيز BBC business news reactions Latest articles from : BBC business news Fraudsters 'targeting Christmas online shoppers'North West sees job ads surge while London lagsBlack Friday emissions boom predictedTikTok lives to see another day in USShould you tip the takeaway delivery driver?Are big retailers exploiting lockdown loopholes? تعليقات
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