BBC world news Edit post Mission to investigate gigantic iceberg Admin 15 ديسمبر 2020 (0) Mission to investigate gigantic iceberg Scientists will send robotic vehicles under the colossal berg drifting in the South Atlantic. facebook twitter pinterest whatsapp reddit linkedin Next article Japan 'Twitter killer' sentenced to death Previous article تحقيق دخل الدهاليز.. هل يرقد ضحايا مرفأ بيروت بسلام؟ BBC world news reactions Latest articles from : BBC world news Mursal Nabizada: Gunmen kill former Afghan MP at home in KabulLab-grown alternatives aim to cut palm oil dependenceCan humanity's new giant leap into space succeed?Lützerath: German police oust climate activists after clashes near coal mineSuspected jihadists abduct 50 women in northern Burkina FasoPokhara airport: Plane crashes in central Nepal - at least 16 dead تعليقات
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